L & O Amsterdam


conversation, dance, etiquette, massage,
flowering, costume-art & make-up,
 music, hygiene, breathing & fruit-eating and

the show:

T A N T R A  &  W E S T E R N

A room in soft light with beds and cushions where the audience can lay down. In the corner, a small stage with musical instruments and devices. An overwhelming amount of fresh flowers to put in vases stand on the floor. Bowles of fruit to eat stand inbetween the beds and the vases. A bar must be located inside or just outside the room; in service for the audience. The doors are always open, so that people can enter or leave whenever they want to. During the first two hours of the evening, it´s possible to be in the room and relax, eat fruit and make bouquets of the flowers while listening to a site-specific sound-mixture being played off. At the same time we give foot-baths and foot-massages to some of the people in the audience.
And then there is time for the love-show.
The lights in the room change and we enter the small stage while a hotel-made lovemaking-video starring ourselves, is projected in small scale on the wall by a video-beam. The following show is approximately one hour long, full of anecdotes and songs based on our own relationship. The title Tantra & Western, suggests a synthesis between eastern sexual unity and western sentimentality. The songs have titles like Completely wonderful, Sensation, Making love is beautiful, Little Girl, Nirvana and Kiss Kiss.